Fair Warning

This blog discusses religion, specifically wicca.

September 3, 2011

Gemini With Mercury Strong: AKA Why I Don't Blog On Time

I didn't forget Lamas, I haven't been terribly busy, in fact I have no real good reason why I haven't updated in almost a month beyond the fact of...that's me. 

So I am going to talk about astrology.  You can look at it one of two ways. Way one I call "Local Newspaper View" and the other I call "Happens To Be Me View".  Let's start by saying even when I was in my 'must be a good christian' era, I loved reading horoscopes and tried with the resources at hand to learn about astrology. The info I got on it was basic at best and then as my nature dictates, I drifted away from it for a while while distracted by other things.  So when I began studying wicca, I found what I consider to be a pretty good book on the subject.

I really enjoy this book.  I can't say for sure that it is the best one out there (since I have only read one or two others) but I really like it. The descriptions are very detailed and I have gotten a lot of good use out of it.

I remember flipping through it, and becoming very nervous when as I skimmed through the list that it was looking possible that I might not be a Gemini, but as it turned out I am.  (This comes up because I recently looked up a friend of mine at her request, and it turns out she is not a Pisces as she always believed but actually a Capricorn.  Which she still completely rejects.)  Which is all well and good.  I say I have always loved horoscopes and the zodiac, but that doesn't mean I believe every posting I see in the paper.  It all ends up watered down and vague so that anyone could say "yeah that sounds like me right now".  Which was the case today at work when I read for Gemini "Your mind is preoccupied with sex today" to which I immediately thought 'yeah well now it is...'.  

But I digress.  The thing is no one has to believe in astrology, or their horoscope, but I feel that at least based on the book I have been reading that people who study it would probably know me better than some of my close friends.  Because it is the very nature of Gemini to babble away without really giving that much information away.  It is also the very nature of Gemini, specifically with Mercury strong, to bounce from project to project without a clear plan to finish it.  

So long story short... I was distracted by video games, then painting, then video games again, and now I have jumped head first into astrology because that is how the mood strikes me...  Then just as I was about to drift off to sleep, one of those many thoughts that buzz around the back of my head went "remember that blog you were doing" and now I am here typing half awake...

Well... There you go... Goodnight/Morning

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