Fair Warning

This blog discusses religion, specifically wicca.

July 29, 2011

New Page & More Than One Way To Learn From Tarot

I have added the Minor Arcana quick reference, I hope you find it helpful.  
Aside from question/answer and future planning.  Over time tarot can teach you things about yourself (either your good qualities or traits that slow you down).  If you notice a card or cards that seem to pop up in your personal readings frequently can show you these qualities or vices. 

For instance the Eight of Swords makes a regular appearance for me.  I have long sense been aware that I tend to over think things, and agonize over decisions; but it wasn't until this card began showing up in ever personal reading that I became more aware of how this trait (even though sometimes useful) hinders me on a regular basis.  
More on the side of qualities, the Empress card is a regular for me as well. 

So pay attention over time and watch for cards that come up consistently, and especially if they tend to come up in the same places in spreads.  Just don't over think every little thing, and let yourself get to the point where you expect that card or it will begin to throw you off.  It's important to clear your mind of expectations when focusing for a reading.

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