Fair Warning

This blog discusses religion, specifically wicca.

November 19, 2011


So I disappeared all September, October... and here we are.  I could rattle off excuses like there were deaths in the family and I went through one of the roughest bouts of depression I've dealt with in a long while.  (Well looks like I just did rattle them off).  But in the spirit of honesty I have to also be willing to say that a lot of this is laziness on my part and distraction.  I've kind of slacked all around.  I'm not promising to pick back up on regular updates but I will try not to miss whole months again.  

I don't know if I am slipping out of the "must talk about it" phase or if I am just kind of in a limbo of where I stand at the moment. Anyway.  That would be it.  I'm still alive and still working my way down the path.  I just feel like I have let myself fall into some setbacks. 

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