Fair Warning

This blog discusses religion, specifically wicca.

December 22, 2011

My Yule Celebration

I'm still not very versed in holiday ritual; so for this Yule I simply made a turkey dinner and had my neighbors over.  Spent some time with good company and after that was done spent some time planning for the coming year and meditating.  

I was unable to find a Yule Log in time; so this was my stand-in this year.  A pine candle surrounded by live seasonal plants. Next year I will know to start much earlier in my search for a log; but I am still happy with the way this turned out anyway.  Also I have no fireplace to burn it in so that was another hindrance.

Recently I have been adrift in a sea of random information and haven't properly focused myself; so I will be attempting to create a schedule for myself to help focus myself and my learning. 

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