Fair Warning

This blog discusses religion, specifically wicca.

June 25, 2012

*Insert Dramatic Music Here*

I have moved to a new state; I’m not living in my own home yet.  I haven’t been able to practice and I no longer live close to the friend I was studying with.  I haven’t given up.  I just haven’t had anything to blog about.  Out of respect for the people letting us stay with them I have my books and tools packed away for the time being.  I still meditate but I miss my study and my ritual. 

Advice to anyone thinking of getting into paganism: when you start, if it’s the thing for you, it will feel very fulfilling and exciting and you will want to let people know.   You’ll want to identify yourself as pagan or wiccan or what have you, to the people you care about.   Be very careful who you choose to tell.  It was fine when the people I told were there for the whole thing; they had their worries and concerns but there was a boundary to it.   Here it is different; so when you tell people, be ready to be ‘the pagan friend’ be ready for them not to realize it’s a personal and private thing. 

Because I don’t have my own home at the moment, my things are packed away.  Because it’s more private now, because I feel a little more isolated for the moment, the friends up here that know (I told them at the beginning when I first started) have decided I’m not dedicated and that it’s a phase.   At this point I’m inclined to let them think that because I have come to regret them knowing.   Out of the four that know: one of them wants to make money off me with tarot readings and helping her to sell ‘witch stuff’ to people when she sells jewelry, one of them teases me and tells me I’m as much a ‘pagan’ as most people are ‘christian’, and two of them seem intent on finding out what went wrong with me to make me so confused and wonder why I am trying to get back at god.   I was told “If you just keep at it with Christianity you will eventually feel something, and if not, then you still have the support of the church community.”   No one has been truly mean to me, so that is not the complaint, they are all nice and the topic has dropped lately so it’s not something I hear all the time anymore.  

My husband remains extremely supportive; he often suggests that I pull out my books and that it will be ok.  We are both working hard to get into our own place and have found good jobs; now we just have to chip away at the money we owe and we should have a place by the end of next month. 

I haven’t been posting because there hasn’t been much to talk about.  As usual my separation is in many ways my own fault.  I have people’s numbers that I could call and talk to.  I have websites I could use to find stores and groups in the new area.  I just feel like I am on hold and I’m not sure what my next step should be. 

So that’s where it stands.  I may resume posting once we’ve gotten settled into a place of our own. 

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