Fair Warning

This blog discusses religion, specifically wicca.

May 12, 2011


As I have said before, I'm starting my second year studying wicca, so I won't claim to be an expert.  I'm definitely not trying to be a guide or teacher, and most definitely not 'preaching the word of paganism'.  I have worried sometimes that maybe this is breaking the speak little listen much, but I think I'm in the clear. Once again I will say that what I put up here are just my experiences and what I learned from them; it's not a gospel of Tempest that anyone should feel the need to follow or take as "this is the way to be wiccan" I don't think there is one way to be wiccan, and I definitely wouldn't want the responsibility of being in charge of what that would be. 

I am going to talk a little here about tool selection, and how that worked out for me.  One thing it took me a while to realize was; relax, be calm, don't stress out over if every tool you get is perfect as long as it feels right and works right.  Example, the broom, I tried very hard with the broom and maybe it's the culture I was raised in or whatever, but I struggled with it because I just couldn't seem to get comfortable with it.  I still want one and am even considering making one (and maybe if I do that then it will feel more natural to me once I put some creative energy into making it) but what I use instead of a broom right now are two fans.  Maybe a lot of wiccans would think that's crazy or inappropriate, so far it's been what feels natural to me.  
Another example would be bowls, I wanted matching bowls, specifically I wanted a bowl and chalice that matched.  That's way easier said than done (would have been easier done if I had access to clay and a kiln but I don't)  but I kept looking and looking until one day I found a bowl and bought it figuring I would just keep working to find a chalice to match.  Then I found a chalice that I really wanted to use and it hit me...does it matter if they match? No. All that looking and waiting, and in the end I didn't care.  I had to let go of the 'everything must match and be perfect and just so-so' because that in itself is a problem I have.  A problem of stalling and stalling and not getting started because I want everything perfect, when I know from experience that imperfect can be a situation to learn something very important.

A good chunk of the tools I'm using I did make myself because I like to do arts and crafty things and that's how I make it personal to me.  But the things I can't make (metal working and carpentry are not talents that I have)  I have to have a 'feeling' about.  I'm working on getting over the 'oooh so shiny' knee jerk reaction to things.  Many of the things I still needed have just come to me at random, from a friend, or even just finding things that I forgot that I had and realizing it's right for the purpose.  It's not to say it works like that all the time, and I don't count on it happening, but it's nice when it does.

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