Fair Warning

This blog discusses religion, specifically wicca.

April 18, 2011

DJ: The One I Lost

I'll preference this with, she was just and acquaintance, I didn't see her often but we did always get along and have fun together.   Last winter while checking my FB, I found DJ screaming her online lungs out about christmas being only for christians and if people weren't going to believe in jesus then they had no right to celebrate christmas.   Lots of people had jumped in to agree or disagree with her, which had escalated it to the point I came in on, "if you don't believe that jesus is the on true savior then fuck off, christmas isn't for you, so if you don't love HIM then go to hell and stop stealing our holiday", and I got the bright idea that I would reason with her.  I didn't say I was wiccan, or that I would be celebrating yule, I just said that there were a lot of holidays for other religions around this time of year, but just that in society most people call it christmas.  Of course this made her mad and I tried to lighten it up with, "well can I celebrate happy winter day, time, thing..." which made her madder.  In the end I promised I wouldn't use the sacred word of christmas, ever again but hoped she had a very lovely and joyous 25th.  She un-friended me and doesn't speak to me or my husband (online or out in the real world) anymore. 
What I took from this was;
1. don't argue online, it's always a shouting match,
2. don't try to reason with someone who is on a fire and brimstone rant, they aren't in the state of mind to look at the other side,
3. yes my beliefs could lose me some friends, and
4. pick your battles, there was no real reason for me to have gotten involved in the first place. 

On the bright side, another friend of mine posted a video on the same day.

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