Fair Warning

This blog discusses religion, specifically wicca.

April 14, 2011

The First Book

The first book on wicca I read, I read with the intent of getting the absolute basics so I would know what my friends believed.  I didn't want to end up saying or doing something that would offend them, or make a nuisance of myself by asking them questions they had probably answered hundreds of times from other people.  So it wasn't in my mind to find a book that had every theoretical nuance of wicca.  So the book I got was:

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft (3rd Edition)The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft by Denise Zimmermann

Say what you will about it; franchised, water down, fluffy, etc...  It was at least helpful on the basics, and as the title suggests, it was easy to understand.  It has some basic logical information; safety tips, common themes, and some very good advice "read more books on wicca".  Reviews I have seen on it seem to hit about 50-50 with wiccans hating/liking it.  I'll put it this way, if that was the book a friend of mine picked up just to understand what I believe, I would be ok with that because it is simple and complimentary.  It's in no way the end all be all book, I don't think any book is.  Maybe I just like this book because it was the first little stepping stone for me.  

There was only one downside to reading this book, all those questions I didn't want to bug Willow with.  Now I wanted to learn more, and to learn more, I had to start bugging him with questions.  Luckily, he doesn't seem mind. And I'm very grateful.

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